The Quad offers your customers the most essential aspect of a video system, “Entertainment!” The Quad system can be added to any of our systems.
Why is the “Quad” such a profitable addition? When a customer enters a booth they are basically looking for one thing; to see the scenes that interest them. Stepping through the channels in a simple up or down fashion they are not given the full outlook of what the movie has to offer. Oftentimes, if a customer is in the process of looking for a preferred scene, he won’t stay on one channel for long. If they do not see what they are looking for they may advance to the next channel, and so on.
Here’s when the “Quad” comes into play...
While your customer is watching a main movie on the large screen, a smaller screen (located just to the right) is split to display four different channels. The system automatically scrolls through your entire video selection. The Quad screen displays four videos for approximately 16 (adjustable) seconds, which allows ample time for your customer to get a good idea of what they can expect from that movie. When a customer sees a scene of interest, they simply push the corresponding button. Instantly the movie selected appears on the main screen. The movie stays on the main screen until another selection is made by either pressing the channel or quad buttons.
The result: Your customer stays entertained longer and spends more time (money) in the booth.